Top 5 Home Remedies For Hair Growth | Best Health and Beauty Tips | Lifestyle, Subscribe for FREE
Top 5 Home Remedies For Hair Growth | Best Health and Beauty Tips | Lifestyle
Onion juice
Onion not only makes your food tasty but also makes your hair grow and multiply effectively. Why? Because onion juice has sulphur in it which boosts the production of collagen tissues. These tissues assist in re growth of your hair. You will only need red onions, even shallots would do.
Potato Juice
No, we are not in a vegetable juice shop nor are we cooking food in your kitchen but these vegetables really do wonder when it comes to hair growth. Along with onions, you can also use potatoes to grow your hair. In fact, potato juice can even cure thinning of hair due to ‘alopecia.’
Eggs gives extra protein
Hair is primarily made up of protein. What’s the better way to grow hair than to provide it with extra protein,in fact, one of the best proteins- the egg white. What you need to do is take one or two eggs and massage your scalp with the liquids in it. Let it sit there for an hour, preferably covered with a shower cap. Then wash it off with a mild shampoo and water. You may even make an egg mask for your hair to give it extra shine and strength.
Use Fenugreek
Fenugreek has been used to treat hair fall since ages in many parts of the world. Even you can use this spice for growing hair.
Ayurvedic Herbs
Indian gooseberry (amla) is well recognized as the powerhouse of vitamin C and antioxidants. Thus it helps in production of collagen and also fights off free radicals promoting hair growth and even improving pigmentation of your hair. You can simply mix 2 teaspoons each of amla powder and lime juice and rub this on your scalp. After some time, rinse with warm water. This will help your hair grow.
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